
Journal for Regional History

The Northeast Archive appears annually. Each volume is dedicated to a particular theme in the cultural history of northeastern Europe. Internationally recognized authorities serve as guest editors of the volumes and select the individual contributions.

The Northeast Archive addresses problems of regional, social and cultural history in the regions of northeastern Europe where Germans lived among and alongside other ethnic groups. Each annual volume has a particular thematic emphasis. By virtue of the programmatic rigor and unity that determine the contents of each volume, the Northeast Archive occupies a special place among scholarly periodicals with a thematic character. 

The contributions are written in English or German. In both cases, an abstract is provided in the complementary language. The Northeast Archive is a refereed journal that observes a double-blind peer-review process. It is available in hard copy in bookstores and in a digital version from relevant international data bases such as “History and Life”. The articles and reviews contained in individual volumes can be downloaded there as well as from the Institute’s homepage.

The Northeast Archive is published by IKGN e. V. in association with Andres Kasekamp (Tartu), Nikolaus Katzer (Hamburg), Claudia Kraft (Vienna), Ilgvars Misāns (Riga), David J. Smith (Glasgow), Darius Staliūnas (Vilnius), Robert Traba (Olsztyn), and Elena Zubkova (Moskow).

ISSN 0029-1595 

Each individual volume of the Northeast Archive is edited by a distinguished scholar. The editor formulates the concept, selects the contributions and assumes responsibility for the volume.


The quality of the volumes is assured by a stringent editorial process. The editor makes an initial assessment of the papers submitted. Those that survive this first scrutiny advance through the selection process, while those that do not are returned to the authors. A process of double-blind peer review ensues. Two specialists render an anonymous verdict on the merits of each submission. In some cases, a third expert opinion is solicited.

Double-blind Peer-review: Im double-blind Peer-review werden die Beiträge einer weiteren, anonymisierten Begutachtung durch zwei Spezialistinnen bzw. Spezialisten des jeweiligen Themenfeldes unterzogen. Gegebenenfalls wird eine Beurteilung des eingereichten Beitrages durch ein drittes Gutachten eingeholt.

PD Dr. Agnieszka Pufelska

Dr. Anja Wilhelmi

Beatrice Stieglitz (Redaktionsassistenz, Rezensionen)

The articles are not available in English. 

You are welcome to consult the German version.

Publications of the Northeast Institute

Publication series of the Northeast Institute

The series “Publications of the Northeast Institute” (VNOI) brings out distinguished doctoral and post-doctoral dissertations, as well as translations of scholarly works in translation, that address various aspects of northeast European history. Individual titles are available in bookstores or directly from the publisher, Harrassowitz Verlag.

The articles are not available in English. 

You are welcome to consult the German version.

Online publications of the Northeast Institute

The “Online Publications of the Northeast Institute” offer free, direct access to research contributions, sources and documents that provide insight into various themes in the history of northeastern Europe.

The articles are not available in English. 

You are welcome to consult the German version.

Individual publications

Individual publications are the result of cooperative projects between the Northeast Institute and other institutions and persons. Individual volumes are brought out by various publishers. They may be obtained directly from them or in bookstores.

The articles are not available in English. 

You are welcome to consult the German version.

Other available publications

Publications that appeared between 1990 and 2008 from the North German Cultural Works Press and the Northeast Institute Press, respectively, can be found here, along with publications (including archival indices) brought out in German and Russian by Russian publishers (Astroprint and Gotika) beginning 01.01.2002.


Russian-language publications and archival indices that appeared before 01.01.2002 are not included on the order form and cannot be ordered from the Institute. 

In such cases, please send your request directly to:
Göttinger Arbeitskreis e. V. - Calsowstraße 54 - 37085 Göttingen - Germany (or by E-Mail).

  • Wolter von Plettenberg und das mittelalterliche Livland
  • Fernhandel und Handelspolitik der baltischen Städte in der Hansezeit
  • Findbuch zum Aktenbestand
  • Deutsche in St. Petersburg Bd. 2
  • Nemcy Odessy i Odesskogo regiona. Sbornik dokladov /Die Deutschen der Stadt und der Region Odessa
  • Topographische Karte des Herzogtums Mecklenburg-Schwerin und des Fürstentums Ratzeburg des Grafen Schmettau
  • Das Herzogtum Kurland Band 2
  • Samuil Christianovic Kontenius
  • Postkarten erzählen Geschichte
  • Odesskaja Kontora inostrannych poselencev 1805-1806, 1714-1833. Annotirovannaja opis'

Since 2006, Mati Laur (University of Tartu) and Karsten Brüggemann (University of Tallinn) have brought out a yearbook on the present state of research in Baltic history (Humaniora historica series, Akadeemiline ajalooselts Press, Tartu).

Volumes 1 through 14 can be ordered from us.

The tables of contents appear here.

Summaries and reviews are found here.

  • Forschungen zur baltischen Geschichte. Band 14
  • Forschungen zur baltischen Geschichte. Band 13
  • Forschungen zur baltischen Geschichte. Band 12
  • Forschungen zur baltischen Geschichte. Band 11
  • Forschungen zur baltischen Geschichte. Band 10
  • Forschungen zur baltischen Geschichte. Band 9
  • Forschungen zur baltischen Geschichte. Band 8
  • Forschungen zur baltischen Geschichte. Band 7
  • Forschungen zur baltischen Geschichte. Band 6
  • Forschungen zur baltischen Geschichte. Band 5
  • Forschungen zur baltischen Geschichte. Band 4
  • Forschungen zur baltischen Geschichte. Band 3
  • Forschungen zur baltischen Geschichte. Band 2
  • Forschungen zur baltischen Geschichte. Band 1